Open Transformation in Telecommunication (Chinese)

电子书 开启电信行业的转型 为迎接新挑战、满足新期望,电信服务提供商必须转变网络和运营模式。主要依赖整体式遗留系统的传统运营商可以采用现代IT架构和运营管理方法,并营造更加敏捷的企业文化,实现自身转变。本电子书重点介绍了推动电信转型的技术和方法,以及红帽®产品和服务如何为电信服务提供商提供转型方面的支持。   Download This Page 等待您的下载

Open Transformation in Telecommunication (English) – APAC

E-BOOK To meet new challenges and expectations, telecommunications service providers must transform their networks and operations.…

Build a modern core banking platform – LATAM

ANALYST MATERIAL When it comes to addressing customer demand, ANZ has much to teach other banks.…

Reducing FSI AI/ML application costs and risks with MLOps – LATAM

CHECKLIST Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) can be transformative, allowing financial firms to automate manual…

Innovation and agility for financial services with hybrid cloud – LATAM

BRIEF Public cloud has emerged as a foundation for digital transformation for financial services firms looking…

Modernize your payment infrastructure with Red Hat (Detail – Portugese)

MATERIAL DE ANALISTA Acelere pagamentos digitais com a Red Hat Novas tecnologias continuam revolucionando o setor…

Modernize your payment infrastructure with Red Hat (Detail – Spanish)

MATERIAL DEL ANALISTA Agilice los pagos digitales con Red Hat Las nuevas tecnologías continúan revolucionando el…

Accelerate digital transformation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (Brief – Portugese)

APRESENTAÇÃO Acelere a transformação digital com o Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform As organizações do setor…

Accelerate digital transformation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (Brief – Spanish)

BREVE Acelere la transformación digital con Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Las organizaciones del sector público…

Advancing FSI innovation with cloud-native applications – APAC

BRIEF This brief explores how Red Hat and Intel empower financial services organizations to accelerate and…