State of Work: IT trends

The State of Work 2023: IT trends When it comes to adopting innovative technologies and processes,…

transform your customer service with real time white glove support

Deinen Kundenservice mit erstklassigem Support in Echtzeit transformieren Kundenservice ist mittlerweile weit mehr als nur ein…

Modern incident response

Transform your incident command center The digital world is open 24/7. So it follows that digital…

The State of Work 2023: Customer support trends

State of Work 2023: Trends im Kundensupport Die Kundenerwartungen sind größer als je zuvor. Im Salesforce-Bericht…

digital transformation how it leaders can improve productivity in every department

Digital transformation: How IT leaders can improve productivity in every department IT departments are evolving at…

build stronger sales relationships faster with slack

Build Stronger Sales Relationships Faster With Slack Slack offers a transparent, connected collaboration framework that enables…

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication Digital transformation initiatives offer numerous benefits to organizations, however, following…

Unlock the Power of Digital Identity in Manufacturing

Unlock the Power of Digital Identity in Manufacturing Modernize the Connected Manufacturing Ecosystem, Drive Direct-to-Customer Relationships,…

The 8 Digital Transformation Trends Shaping Business and Society

The 8 Digital Transformation Trends Shaping Business and Society Having your finger on the pulse of…

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication Digital transformation initiatives offer numerous benefits to organizations, however, following…