Find and Stop Cryptojacking Attacks

Best Practices to Stop Resource-Draining Cryptojackers
Don’t let undetected cryptominers use your compute resources to print themselves money on your dime.
Organized cryptomining groups are targeting cloud environments around the world. In fact, cryptojacking activity accounts for some of the highest profile attacks in the cloud. With cryptojacking affecting almost a quarter of all organizations globally, isn’t it about time to find out how you can more efficiently and effectively defend against these malicious miners?
Join our on-demand Cryptojacking Cloud Security Webinar to:
  • Get intel on the latest cryptojacking trends and tactics
  • Learn how to accelerate your response to these attacks
  • See a cryptojacking incident response use case in action

Register today to watch the on-demand webinar. You’ll learn how to use Cortex® XSOAR to defend yourself against even the most sophisticated attacks.

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