How HR and Finance Teams Can Leverage Data to Influence Success – workday

Data is the fuel driving the financial services industry into the future. But disconnects between finance…

Splunks Prognosen für IT Operations 2021 – eBook

Das Datenzeitalter ist angekommen. Beschleunigt durch die globale Pandemie wurde der digitale Wandel viel weiter und…

Splunk IT Operations Predictions 2021- e-Book

Our experts weigh in: How does IT stay ahead of warp-speed digital transformation? The Data Age…

The Road to DevOps Success – WHITE PAPER

DevOps is the leading way to develop, deliver and support applications. Businesses that adopt DevOps move…

Build adaptive enterprises with cloud-native adoption

WEBINAR The next chapter for APAC financial services: Build adaptive enterprises with cloud-native adoption June 15,…

Understanding the true value of a DXP – Whitepaper

The rise of the marketing technology stack over martech suites means that many industry leading Digital…

DXP 101 : Infographic

Are you struggling to pinpoint what exactly makes a platform a digital experience platform (DXP)? Or…

Ars Logica Compass Guide

In an independent evaluation, Ars Logica ranked Jahia first overall in its technical evaluation and second…

One Digital Health Provider

Five Costly Chronic Conditions. One Digital Health Solution. Omada’s integrated solution can help prevent and treat…

Beginners Guide to Observability – eBook

Cutting through the complexity to learn what your systems, services and apps are really doing As…