L’entreprise de cosmétiques allemande a rapidement migré vers SAP S/4HANA pour conforter sa croissance – French

Études de cas L’entreprise de cosmétiques allemande a rapidement migré vers SAP S/4HANA pour conforter sa…

Accelerate SAP S/4HANA migration – English

Brief Accelerate SAP operations with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Your business relies on your SAP…

Electrifying the Battery World with Maximum Efficiency

Hear from Analog Devices’ CEO, Vincent Roche and the executive leaders from ADI’s Automotive business, as…

Today’s Critical Healthcare Trends

ADI’s SVP of Healthcare, Pat O’ Doherty, shares his thoughts on shifts that are ushering in…

Data and Analytics in a Digital-First World

A global study by IDC of data workers’ activities and the democratization of data and analytics…

A Brief Guide to Innovating Tax with Analytics

Gathering mountains of tax data is likely consuming more than half your or your team’s day.…

5 Common Tax Processes You Can Automate in One Week

According to McKinsey, an incredible 81 percent of tax processes can be partly or fully automated.…


As electric vehicles (and electrification technology) grow in popularity among consumers and ecosystem players, a greater…

Enabling 5G and DSRC V2X in Autonomous Driving Vehicles

State-of-the-Art Multi-Wireless Standard Devices Employ Individual Modules for different technologies. It is evident that vehicular communication…

Driving Higher Levels of Flexibility

Driving Higher Levels of Flexibility, Productivity, and Sustainability in Smart Manufacturing The Importance of Intelligent Motion…