Function Over Forms: Transforming Citizen Services

Function Over Forms: Transforming Citizen Services With nearly $40 billion constituent dollars spent on paper-intensive, manual…

12 Reasons Radios Are Holding Your Company Back

Discover “The Dirty Dozen” pitfalls deskless workers and enterprises face You likely know voice tools have…

The Future of Voice at Work

Navigate the 5-Step Journey to Creating Your Digital Deskless Workforce 80% of the global workforce performs…

An Analysis of Employee Turnover Intentions: How to spot attrition signs by industry and region

With insights from over 190 million employee survey responses, this report offers an important resource for…

The Great Migration: What to do When Everyone is Everywhere

There’s no turning back. What began as the world’s largest remote work experiment is now standard…

The Complete Guide to Building a Remote Global Team eBook

What’s so great about a remote, global team?A diverse, distributed team adds efficiency, improves the overall…

Global Sales Strategy Workbook

You’re confident your company could thrive globally. But do you know where or how to begin…

CFOs See a Clear Pathway to Growth Through Global Expansion

CFOs See an Optimistic Future Through Adopting a New Global Hiring Approach That is one finding…

Weaving Digital Transformations with Digital Thread

While federal and defense agencies’ reliance on speedy contracting options is increasing, the demand on contractors…

A New Manager’s Guide to Building a Remote Global Team eBook

For new managers who are building or inheriting teams in today’s turbo-charged, digitally-enabled business environment, things…