Transformación abierta en el sector de las telecomunicaciones-spanish

libro eletronico Los proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones deben transformar sus redes y sus operaciones para…

The Ultimate Guide to Security Service Edge

Employees are working increasingly off of the enterprise network and on potentially insecure networks.This Menlo guide…

A Definitive Guide to SASE Security

The move from on-premises data centers to the cloud has left security behind, but it’s not…

2021 Endpoints Threats Trends — Cyber security threat trends: phishing, crypto top the list

In 2020, cyber criminals launched four types of endpoint threats responsible for 10X more than all…

The 2021 Security Outcomes Study

Get proven success factors for your security program based on data from 4,800 security expertsWe asked…

The 3 riskiest cloud applications of 2021

Are you using vulnerable cloud apps that open the door to ransomware, malware, or other types…

Hunting threats in harm’s way and dissecting it the Holmes way!

The threat landscape continues to expand, paving the way for new cyber attacks. Attackers have nothing…

2021 cloud application security: The current landscape, risks, and solutions

In our free report, you’ll learn: How up to 55% of ransomware attacks stem from a…

Big threats to small business

Small businesses spend an average of $955,000 per attack to restore normal operations; 60% of victims…

Bringing enterprise security to your small business

Small businesses have many of the same IT opportunities and priorities of larger enterprises – but…