
57 Tips to Secure Your Organization Contain Costs and Reduce Risk with a Strong Cybersecurity Posture…


2023 Unit 42 Ransomware and Extortion Report Approximately 50% of ransomware attacks and breaches fielded by…


2022 Unit 42 Incident Response Report Gain insights into the latest threat tactics. Understand Today’s Attacks…

IDC Survey Report

Create Competitive Advantage for Professional Services by Leveraging Technology and Workflow Automation To stay competitive in…

Forrester Buyer Insights Report

2022 Buyer Insights: Professional Services Industry In this Buyer Insights report from Forrester, learn how thousands…

Acceleration Economy ebook

Acceleration Economy ebook Read this comprehensive eBook that offers fresh insights into the professional services landscape.…

DOL Final Overtime Rules Guide for Employers

DOL Final Overtime Rules: Guide for Employers A new overtime proposal could impact 3.6 million salaried…

enterprise sales teams use slack to amplify productivity

Enterprise sales teams use Slack to amplify Productivity. Learn how Salesforce leaders operationalise success as one…

transform your customer service with real time white glove support

Deinen Kundenservice mit erstklassigem Support in Echtzeit transformieren Kundenservice ist mittlerweile weit mehr als nur ein…

The State of Work 2023: Customer support trends

State of Work 2023: Trends im Kundensupport Die Kundenerwartungen sind größer als je zuvor. Im Salesforce-Bericht…