Business Value of VMware Horizon

The Business Value of VMware Horizon As organizations consider their future of work and the technologies…

New ways of working

Why New Ways of Working Require a New Type of Workspace Employees want the flexibility to…

The Future of Business: How Automation is Driving Efficiency and Innovation

The Future of Business: How Automation is Driving Efficiency and Innovation Compliance can be complex, especially…

Building AI-Powered Search Applications on VMware

Building Al-Powered Search Applications on VMware Greenplum Data Warehouse with pgvector In the past year, embeddings…

Investing in HR Software

Investing in HR Software: How to Get Internal Buy­-in Here’s everything you need to know to…

90 Day Onboarding Checklist

The First 90 Days: Engagement Checklist Connect with your people from day one with this development…

5 Types of Hourly Workers an HR Guide to Recruiting & Retention

5 Ways Talent Development Makes Your Company Unbeatable As a business leader, your goal for talent…

Best Practices for Kubernetes Management

Best Practices for Kubernetes Management Cloud-based containerization has become a strategic imperative to unlock workload modernization,…

Forrester Study: Retail Customer Focus

Forrester Study Finds Customer Experience Focus is Critical to Retail Success in the Direct-to- Consumer Age…

Field Guide to Attack Vectors in Software Supply Chain Security

A Field Guide to Threat Vectors in the Software Supply Chain Is your organization equipped to…