Guide – L’essentiel de la stratégie de développement des APIs.

Guide pratique pour réussir dans l’économie des APIs Alors que les organisations sont les témoins des…

Les secrets d’une API efficace. Bonnes pratiques en matière d’API

Toutes les APIs ne naissent pas égales. Une API efficace encourage les développeurs à l’utiliser et…

5 leaders du secteur qui redéfinissent vitesse

Découvrez comment des entreprises comme HSBC et Decathlon pérennisent leurs activités grâce aux API et à…

Adobe named an experience optimization Leader in The Forrester Wave™.

Adobe is the leading technology vendor capable of facilitating the digital transformation required to support great…

How APIs power digital transformation for energy and utilities. Transforming energy and utilities

Energy and utilities providers face more uncertainty than ever before as they grapple with price volatility,…

Building the connected retail experience. From transactions to relationships

In order to meet rising customer expectations and the adoption of new technologies, leading retailers must…

Retail digital platform strategy. Modernize retail customer engagement with APIs

eCommerce offers consumers new ways to interact with traditional retailers, resulting in changed consumer preferences –…

More content. More channels. More conversions.

You want to create the kind of content your audience wants to receive. We surveyed both…

Transforming the manufacturing value chain

Manufacturers have significantly improved value chain performance over the past 20 years, boosting industry productivity by 47%.…

Digitizing Airbus’ global supply chain

An Airbus A380 is made up of 7 million different pieces with each piece coming from different parts…