Cloud Migration Simplified

Yksinkertaistettu pilvipalveluihin siirtyminen Auta organisaatiotasi parantamaan kustannustehokkuutta, ketteryyttä ja skaalautuvuutta siirtymällä pilvipalveluiden käyttöön. Tämä opas voi…

La valeur commerciale de l’utilisation des solutions Red Hat open source pour applications SAP – French

ARTICLE D’ANALYSTE La valeur commerciale de l’utilisation des solutions Red Hat open source pour SAP L’étude…

Accelerate SAP S/4HANA migration – English

Brief Accelerate SAP operations with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Your business relies on your SAP…

2022 State of Computational Engineering Report

2022 State of Computational Engineering Report This report uncovers insights, statistics & sentiments from practitioners of…

High Performance Computing for R&D

High Performance Computing for R&D Download your copy and see why Rescale on Azure, Featuring AMD…

Fivetran Ranked #1 in G2 Report!

Grid® Report for ETL Tools | Fall 2021 G2 compares leading ETL tools based on satisfaction,…

Gartner 2021

Adobe is a Leader in this Magic Quadrant. Adobe Commerce, also recognized as Magento Commerce, can…

The Business Value of the Adobe Commerce Cloud Platform

The Business Value of the Adobe Commerce Cloud Platform IDC interviewed organizations that have established ecommerce…

How the cloud beats on premise

The benefits of cloud computing are too great to ignore — particularly for the indirect tax…

One System to Transform Your Care Continuum

How can a single cloud-based finance, HR, and supply chain system for healthcare from Workday improve…