Red Hat cloud-native development outlook – RedHat

Cloud-native development is an application development, deployment, and operational discipline, spanning people, process, and technology to…

Total Economic Impact™ of VMware Carbon Black Cloud

Security & IT teams today are constantly dealing with overly complex and siloed toolsets that can’t…

Regulatory Risk Reduction in the Cloud – Cloud Systems

2020 will be a big year for the cloud in the life sciences industry. With the…

An insurance giant’s multi-cloud journey to secure innovation – Okta

Cloud transformation enabled by powerful identity toolsFor more than a century, AIA Group has been in…

6 Cloud Strategy Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

E-BOOK Six Cloud Strategy Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them The cloud’s greatest benefits can quickly…

Why Your Cloud Strategy Needs a Data Strategy – Splunk

E-BOOK Only by harnessing your data with the right platform will your cloud strategies succeed Digital…


THE BOTTOM LINE Cloud transformation is business transformation and getting it right is more important than…

What You Haven’t Considered About Managing Mulitcloud

THE DAYS OF SINGLE PUBLIC CLOUD DEPLOYMENTS are gone Indeed, driven by the numerous technology options,…

Transforming for the Future – Splunk

E-BOOK Transforming for the Future How industry leaders harness the power of cloud As digital transformation…

The State of Cloud-Driven Transformation

Keys to accelerating and capitalizing on the cloud Most organizations are expanding their use of cloud…