
Identité numérique : la pierre angulaire de notre vie en ligne Enquête sur le comportement en…

NME Vs. Citrix

NERDIO MANAGER FOR ENTERPRISE VS. CITRIX Native Microso technology stack with no third-party vendor lock-in. Signicant…

How to Reduce IT Complexity and Costs When Deploying Azure Virtual Desktop WVD

How to: Reduce IT Complexity and Costs When Deploying Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) As an IT…

Cloudy with a Chance of Security

Cloudy with a Chance of Security How Mid-Sized Organizations Are Managing Biggest Cloud Security Challenges Cloud…

Identity: The Bedrock of our Digital Lives

Identity: The Bedrock of our Digital Lives An EMEA consumer survey of online behaviour, trust, passwords,…

Six Benefits of App Control Infographic

Six Benefits of App Control Infographic This infographic overviews the six benefits of employing a positive…

Defending Your Sensitive Data: Spotlight on Ransomware

Defending Your Sensitive Data: Spotlight on Ransomware VMware Carbon Black Endpoint enables you to operate more…

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication Digital transformation initiatives offer numerous benefits to organizations, however, following…

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication

Preventing Identity Fraud with Risk-Based Authentication Digital transformation initiatives offer numerous benefits to organizations, however, following…

Agile Microsoft 365 Data Protection with Veeam

Agile Microsoft 365 Data Protection with Veeam SaaS applications like Microsoft 365 can benefit an organization…