
Adobe named a Leader in headless content management. We’re excited to be named a Leader in…


Activate personalized insights and engagement at every touchpoint The future of personalised customer experience management lies…

Go From Strategy to Action A High-Volume Hiring Playbook

Go From Strategy to Action: A High-Volume Hiring Playbook With talent scarce and competition fierce across…

Enhance Efficiency

Enhance efficiency across the document lifestyle Modern businesses can’t afford to deal with inefficient, inconsistent, and…

Boost bottom line

Boost your boom line with automation. Customers and employees alike demand better digital experiences, while pressure…

Nahtlose und ununterbrochene Nutzererfahrung_de

Nahtlose und ununterbrochene Nutzererfahrung Wie Sie die ständig wachsenden Supportanfragen mit Automatisierung und KI effizient und…

Metrigy Report: Optimizing Collaboration Spend: Why Microsoft+Zoom Is the Better Option

Metrigy Report: Optimizing Collaboration Spend: Why Microsoft+Zoom Is the Better Option To better understand how and…

ThreatLabz State of Ransomware Report

ThreatLabz State of Ransomware Report 2023 Ransomware attacks increased by over 37% in 2023, with the…

5 Common Audit Practices You Can Automate in a Week

5 Common Audit Processes You Can Automate In One Week There’s more pressure than ever on…

The State of Work 2023: Customer support trends

State of Work 2023: Trends im Kundensupport Die Kundenerwartungen sind größer als je zuvor. Im Salesforce-Bericht…