
An easier way to streamline work, customize content, and deliver personalisation at scale. It might be…


Three tools to streamline your content. Your customers deserve the best experiences — and you deserve…


Customers have an insatiable appetite for content. Customers want better, more personalised experiences. But creating those…


Activate personalized insights and engagement at every touchpoint The future of personalised customer experience management lies…


Start using data from every part of the journey Traditionally, companies have focused on collecting data…

Forecast Your Way to Revenue Growth: A Blueprint for Sales Leaders

Good forecasting predicts your revenue accurately. Growth forecasting gives you the insights you need to deliver…

Go From Strategy to Action A High-Volume Hiring Playbook

Go From Strategy to Action: A High-Volume Hiring Playbook With talent scarce and competition fierce across…

Planning and Execution Guide – A guide for retail

Planning and Execution Guide In this guide, learn how retailers can rethink the planning process with…

Como a Salesforce gera e converte oportunidades em vendas

Como a Salesforce gera e converte oportunidades em vendas? Alguma vez você já se perguntou como…

Customer Journeys und Ihr E-Mail-Marketing – Sie sollten mehr erwarten.

Personalisierung kann eine schwierige Aufgabe sein – vor allem mit den falschen Tools oder Strategien. Entdecken…