Complete Guide to WM | Adobe

Complete Guide to WM

Do more with less

Enterprises in the high-tech industry continue to prioritize market
share, revenue growth, cost containment, and efficiency as they
face the challenges of the evolving 2020 business environment
and COVID-19. Because it’s highly competitive and very fluid, the
industry awards those with the agility to anticipate and react to
new trends and bring innovation to market quickly. While other
industries also face digital transformation and disruption, high tech
is at the epicenter of a perpetual cycle of creative destruction that
sprouts new business models and operational efficiencies driven by
algorithms and automation.

High-tech companies have to do more with less—making customer
experience architecture essential. The hunt is on for unexplored
pockets of operational efficiencies and ways to contain costs and
reduce redundancies. Common labor-intensive activities ripe for
elimination include stitching together datasets, troubleshooting
custom code scripts, and standardizing codebases.

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